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The Gut Show

Sep 9, 2022

Welcome to Season Four of The Gut Show podcast! Today, we’re talking about what makes poop “normal” and what poop is actually made of. I’ll share how it is made in the body starting with the food you eat and then moving through the digestive processes, including the small and large intestines before you eliminate it from your body. 

We’ll also touch on what makes poop brown and what can cause an issue with forming stool. Even more interesting, I’ll share how stool is stored and when it’s released, what happens when you sit down on the toilet and all the different forms your poop can take. Finally, we’ll discuss what it could mean if you’re pooping too much OR not enough. Basically, you have been enrolled in POOP 101 today! I hope you learn something new about yourself and you come away with a greater understanding of your health. 

In this episode, we cover:

  • What is normal poop?
  • How does my food turn into poop? 
  • Is it true that you aren’t what you eat, you are what you ABSORB?
  • Why are my poops different colors?
  • What if I have an issue forming stool?
  • How is stool stored?
  • What happens when I finally sit down on the toilet to poop?
  • What does it mean if my stool is not passing easily?
  • What’s the best posture for pooping effectively?
  • The seven different forms of poop – who knew?
  • What if you’re not pooping enough OR too much? 


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